Sandusky County Human Resource Management Association

Sponsorship Information

Cost: $150.00 (we accept cash, check, & credit card)
Meeting Dates: Generally second Tuesday each month
Location: Generally Terra State Neeley Center in Fremont
Time: 11:30a.m.-1:00p.m., unless stated otherwise
Number of attendees: avg. 45-50/meeting, depending on topic
**Meeting dates, times, and locations are subject to change**

Sponsor Benefits & Options:

  • 5-10 minutes during lunch to briefly explain what your company offers
  • Opportunity to speak to all who attend that meeting
  • Attendees may also want to meet before or after the meeting to discuss further
  • Have handouts available for the attendees to take with them
  • Offer a prize giveaway to collect attendee’s business cards
  • A table will be provided for setup as requested.

Check out our website at for more sponsor/meeting details and to learn more about our group!
Please contact us at to sponsor a meeting.